One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was around 20 years ago. Simply put - when things aren't working out in life, always go back to the basics. This advice has served me numerous times, even in business. Usually, it's something really small that I'm forgetting to apply.
So today I walked the beach, rather than question the last few days of things not going so well. Pocketing a few shells along the way, it was good to clear the mind. On arriving home I spotted a previous find, a nice piece of driftwood, so I just sat with some glue and worked mindlessly to bring the pieces together, remembering fondly how I got started in art as a child. Our local hairdresser and awesome artist, Mrs Dark, would let us play in her flat. Soon, she had me walking and finding shells and other found stuff and I started creating pictures on cardboard. It didn't take long to spot the freshly cut curls on the floor, and adding those in too. I will always be grateful to Mrs Dark and her influence over me. And today, while I didn't create a masterpiece, it felt so good to let the mind rest and go back to the basics. For I just needed to remember how rooted I am in my art. I may not be able to earn my money by doing it, but I still have the need to do it, if only for myself. It is after all, how I express my truth.